Aktuell vielleicht kein Thema für euch oder mich, aber man weiß ja nie, was noch kommen wird. Vielleicht kann diese Idee irgendwann mal nützlich sein. Spätestens dann, wenn der Baumarkt halt mal kein Holz mehr im Angebot haben sollte. Oder so.
To begin with, we started to break the pallets down into useable timber to build the foundations and the frame of the cabin. For the roof we used recycled tin from an old barn roof. We then used an old garden shed window and fit this to the western wall of the cabin. Once the framework and structure of the cabin was complete, we began to some pallet wood projects and focused on building furniture for the inside of the cabin.
We cooked our food over fire using a tripod lashed together bushcraft style until we installed the woodstove. Then we used cast iron cooking gear and the oven to cook up bigger meals. We learned many building skills on this project and it was great to build with hand tools.