In Nebraska haben sie ein Pärchen festgenommen, das gut 30 Kilo Gras im Auto hatte, um dieses als Weihnachtsgeschenke im Land zu verteilen. Die beiden sind über 80 Jahre alt. Marktwert des Grases: 300.000 Dollar.
Mr. and Mrs. Jiron told the police they were traveling from their home state of California to Vermont, with a planned pit stop in Boston, and intended to distribute the drugs to family and friends as Christmas.
The use of recreational and medicinal marijuana has been legalized in several states, including California and Massachusetts, but not in Vermont, according to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
The couple were cited on charges of possession of marijuana with the intent to deliver and of lacking a drug tax stamp, the department said.
(via René)
… wenn man von den 2 beschenkt worden ist muss man sich keine Gedanken machen wie man den bunten Teller leerfuttert … Frohe Weihnachten