Aus gegebenem Anlass. Mach’s gut, Conrad, und danke für die Musik!
2 KommentareDas Kraftfuttermischwerk Beiträge
Party hard.
Hampstead, North London.
LS Exterior of club „Pasor Por Aqui“ MS Two beatniks getting out of old car and entering club. Various shots, beatniks jiving, drinking and smoking. CU Man playing trombone. CU Man playing trumpet. MS Beatniks jiving, showing bare feet. CU Man drinking from bottle. CU Man under barrel with beer running onto his face and into his mouth.
(Direktlink, via Nag on the Lake)
Wenn es mal schnell und unkompliziert gehen soll. Ich lachte.
Ein KommentarBest part about this simple recipe: The potatoes, pasta, broccoli, dried chiles, beef, parsnips, beets, and all 12 sauces can cook at the same time.
What’s that noise? Who’s that skater down the alley trying to land the same trick for the nth time? If you want to know better, have a look at The Skatebook’s animated pages, which reveal the thoughts, memories, hopes and fears of the expanding skateboarding scene in London.
(Direktlink, via Nag on the Lake)
Joel Strasser hat sich mal eben 600 hölzerne Grillspieße in seinen Bart gesteckt. Weltrekord.
(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)
Der Filmemacher Paul Trillo nutzte das generative Videotool Sora von OpenAI, um das Musikvideo zu „The Hardest Part“ des Singer-Songwriters Washed Out zu erstellen und ich wette, dass das nicht das letzte Musikvideo dieser Art sein wird. Das steckt ja alles erstmal noch in den Kinderschuhen.
(Direktlink, via The Awesomer)
In einem deutlich leichteren Auto wäre der Mann wahrscheinlich nicht mit nur einem Schrecken davon gekommen.
„I am a 27-year conductor with the same railroad company. This is the first time anything like this has happened to me while on a train. This happened while sitting stationary waiting for signal to continue westward. This happened during the afternoon hours on May 26th 2024. The Nebraska tornado outbreak. The tornado blew over and derailed 31 cars. The engineer and I were unharmed.“
(Direktlink, via Book of Joe)