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Mix: Acid Pauli – Mia

Der beste aller weltbesten Acid Paulis hat einen neuen Mix in der Pipeline und der wärmt die Ohren wie die Sonne die Haut. Zusammen eine perfekte Kombination. „Mia“ ist der erste Teil einer Mixtrilogie, die weiteren Parts folgen.

Three nights, two gems and a bolt (part one)

Ladies and gentlemen,

Recently, I played three shows in the North America. The shows took place on successive nights and somehow I liked all three gigs and for different reasons. So, I would like to share them with you as a trilogy over the next couple of weeks.

Also, there is some news that I would like to share with you; starting off with the announcement of my new album that will be released later this summer. A track from my upcoming album can be heard in one of the forthcoming sets I just mentioned, so stay tuned!

But first, let’s get back to #basementmiami where I had the honor to play with my friends Satori, Viken Arman, Goldcap, Eduardo Castillo and Armen Miran. I hope you will enjoy the music. In the meantime, we are on the way to South Africa where Nico Stojan and I are teaming up with #bridgesformusic. While we are there we will of course take the chance to also stop by the African Burn!

(Direktlink | Danke, Rudi!)

2 Kommentare

  1. Tina21. April 2016 at 15:59

    Eigentlich steh ich gar nicht mehr auf diesen Sound…laaaaaaaaaaaaange nicht mehr gehört.
    ABER PASST – Sonne, SOMMER, ACID :-) – Fein gemixt!

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