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Kinetische Wandkunst

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Crafted from wood this device has two disks, each with a pattern of curved spokes that can rotate at different rates and direction to produce interesting illusions of motion via moiré interference effects. A ribbon spring drives an ingenious mechanism that uses ratchets (and the rotational momentum of the disks) to create the various visual modes- a half rotation of the disks will result in 20+ minutes of motion. With a full loading of the spring hours of motion will ensue. Another amazing creation by artist and designer William Le.

2 Kommentare

  1. Thorsten4. November 2023 at 15:27

    Jo, habe ich hier auch an der Wand hängen.
    Die Baupläne gibt es für einen schmalen Taler bei holzmechanik.de
    Schöne Sache das!

    • Oliver4. November 2023 at 18:49

      Danke für den Hinweis! Und ein weiterer Eintrag in meiner nicht kleiner werdenden Liste von Projekten :/

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