Der Designer und Illustrator Reagan Ray hat sich die Mühe gemacht und jede Menge Logos von alten und auch noch existierenden Plattenfirmen zusammengesammelt. Und ich mag das Wort “Plattenlabel-Logos” sehr gerne.
This was a beast of a post to put together. In my other logo posts, I was dealing with hundreds of brands. With record labels, it’s in the thousands. If you include indie and foreign labels, I feel like I could have spent the next few years trying to track down and organize all the label logos out there. Halfway through, I almost decided to split it up by either decade or genre, but it was just too daunting.
(via Messy Nessy)
..ich dachte gerade, “hä, was hat das mit Lego zu tun?” *brille-putz*