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Ein Hobbit-Haus in echt

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

Dan Price hat sich, nachdem er dort erst in einem Tippi, Zelten und einem Baumhaus gelebt hat, in Oregon ein Haus unter die Erde gebaut, das schwer an die Häuser der Hobbits im Auenland erinnert. Wenn auch sehr viel kleiner. Das Leben darin kostet ihn wohl nicht mehr als $5000 im Jahr. Großartig!

When Dan Price returned to his home state of Oregon in 1990 he was determined to avoid mortgages or rent (he and his family had just finished caretaking a mansion with a heating bill of $500/month). He found an unused meadow in Joseph, Oregon and began renting it from his neighbors for $100/year (in exchange for cleaning downed trees and repairing fences).
He first erected a tipi on the property, but after awhile felt it was too big so he built himself a 9’ by 12’ red willow dome hut. Then he began traveling a lot so he made an even more temporary home from a 4-season mountain tent. Eventually he fell in love with a cedar shingle beach shack he’s seen in a tiny house book and built a 6-by-10-foot one for himself with an underground room as a bedroom.

He was never comfortable in a square home so when he was robbed (someone entered a skylight and took his photography equipment and computer), he tore down the home and left only the underground portion as his entire home. “That was what 15 years ago. That’s when I went into the little hobbit hole. Eventually, of course, I saw the Hobbit movies and made like the porch with the little curved porch on it and I’ve been in that ever since.”

Ein Kommentar

  1. Darius Alamouti23. September 2015 at 14:25

    Ich bin ein Riesen Fan von HDR, und von diesem Blog… Ich werde mit meiner Praxis bestimmt bald in ein Hobbit Dorf umziehen.. Spaß bei Seite, mega gut das ganze! ich freu mich auf die Nächsten Beiträge!

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