A contact sends along a picture of a bookcase in what’s called the Old State Department Library in the EEOB. It’s the first thing you see.
(Christopher Hayes)
The bookshelf where Obama used to keep his books during his presidency from pics
Zum Inhalt springen -->A contact sends along a picture of a bookcase in what’s called the Old State Department Library in the EEOB. It’s the first thing you see.
(Christopher Hayes)
The bookshelf where Obama used to keep his books during his presidency from pics
Es wurde ja wohl auch langsam Zeit, im Weißen Haus endlich das papierlose Büro einzuführen.
Bald sieht jedes Bücherregal in Amerika so aus. Per Executive Order.
So sehen Trump-Wähler Bücherregale grundsätzlich aus.Evtll noch Hilters gesamelte Reichstagsreden und was über den nicht vom Menschen verursachten Klimawandel!!!