Trimbandit hat sich für Halloween einen Zombie gebaut, der hart daran arbeitet, sein Grab zu verlassen und an Menschenhirn zu kommen. Die Anleitung hat er auf Instructables geparkt, so dass sein Vorgartenzombie nicht der einzige der Saison sein könnte. Also Augen auf!
This was my first time working with pneumatics. I think they are a perfect fit for a zombie, as the movement is very fast and creates a wonderful jerky motion.
Our friend can push himself up from the right side, left side, or both sides at once. Using the controller, I recorded a sequence of movement and audio to be triggered by a motion sensor when a small child gets within range.
I bought the controller, pneumatic cylinders and solenoids from Fright Props and I highly recommend them. They have detailed instructions for all their products that make getting up to speed super easy.
(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)