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Das vielleicht wärmste Zelt der Welt

Wenn sich die Rentierherden der Nenzen durch die sibirische Tundra bewegen, bauen sie ihre Zelte ab, ziehen diese auf Schlitten durch die Kälte, um sie an anderer Stelle wieder aufzubauen.

The Nenet reindeer herders need to move their tent every few days throughout most of the year. Every time they migrate they must pack the whole tent away, drag it across the tundra on sledges, and erect it again in a fresh place, sometimes in temperatures of minus thirty degrees. Survival depends on working together as a team.

After staying in the wooded taiga for two months they start to migrate north following the ancient paths of migrating reindeer (caribou). In four months they will travel up to 1200km and must pack and move every three to five days to keep up with their herd. They must reach their summer quarters before the snows melt and flood great rivers with icy waters too cold and deep for the calves, born along the way, to cross.

(Direktlink, via Nag on the Lake)

Ein Kommentar

  1. me16. Juni 2021 at 08:16

    warum haben die rentiere zelte?

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