Neulich erst stieg dieser Bär hier auf die Rücksitzbank eines SUV, wobei ich schrieb, dass ich eigentlich darauf wartete, dass das Tier die Tür hinter sich schließen würde, was es nicht tat.
Anders als sein Kollege, der bei diesem SUV direkt auf den Fahrersitz stieg und die Tür schloss. Doof nur: von innen bekam er die Tür dann nicht mehr auf und war auf die Hilfe eines Menschens angewiesen.
„My parents had just arrived at our house for Thanksgiving. We had just finished unloading the car and were standing by the window overlooking the driveway, when my mom saw a bear coming down the street. We all ran to the window with our phones to take photos and videos to capture the moment, when all of a sudden he unexpectedly bee-lined for the car. He opened the car door with his paws, hopped in, and the car door shut behind him. Panic ensued, as we tried to figure out what to do. My husband ran out and opened the car door from the porch. He came face to face with the bear in the passenger side. The bear finally got out after about two minutes in the car, and thankfully walked off.“