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Autoreifen, die seitwärts fahren

Klingt blöde, ich weiß aber nicht, wie sich das, was William Liddiard da entwickelt hat, passender beschreiben sollte. Denn der Reifen entwickelt, die auch seitlich fahren können, ohne dabei gelenkt zu werden. Keine Ahnung, ob das in der Praxis taugt, wahrscheinlich eher nicht, aber beim Einparken, könnten die Teile schon recht praktisch sein.

I had to improvise a lot, use the materials available to me, and work on it sparingly when I could find the time. I decided to put them on my car. Unlike other omni capable wheels, my wheels do not require the vehicle to be built around them. This is a world first bolt-on application for anything with wheels. Designed to be used in all weather and road conditions. They are stronger, faster, and more accurately controlled than prior art. They can take a beating. The tires can have the same build characteristics (siping, grooves, rubber compounds etc.) as regular tires. Now you can drive in all directions, and turn on the spot, when needed. These are proof of concept prototypes. Finished wheels will be refined to target application requirements.

Setup on this car has an incredible 24,000 pounds of torque directly on the tires! Speed can be adjusted for target application requirements by changing up the gearing ratios and with a speed controller.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

2 Kommentare

  1. Paulinho30. Juni 2016 at 14:43

    da muss er aber noch ordentlich bördeln fürn tüv

  2. Martin Däniken1. Juli 2016 at 01:13

    Wer so Reifen kann,kann auch BER…

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