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Kugelrundes Baumzelt

Voll geiles Zelt, das rund ist und einfach zwischen ein paar Bäume gehängt wird. Wasserdicht und kuschelig. Mit 60 Kilo zwar etwas schwer, dennoch sehr schön.

a contemporary take on the traditional tree house, ‚cocoon tree‘ is a 120kg spherical structure intended as a retreat, suspended above the ground. its T6 aluminium structure – comprised of 12 elongated rods for the top,
and 12 shorter rods for the lower part – is covered in either korea tarpualin (basic version) or ferrari high quality tarpaulin (deluxe version). a 2.4 meter wide circular bed made from a high density foam mattress is inset, outfitted with specially tailored linens. the easy to assemble design can be accessed via security nets.

(via Designboom)

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